Lolly 1.4.27
No Matches
Lolly: a user-friendly C++ standard library alternative


Lolly is a C++ standard library extracted from GNU TeXmacs. It is the foundation of GNU TeXmacs, and it provides the C++ standard string and containers alternative.

Lolly is from Stephen Chow's Kung Fu Hustle.


For XmacsLabs, Lolly is created for the following reasons:

  • it serves as the warm-up project for new Mogan Developers with
    • Documentation of Lolly in doxygen format and available online
    • Documentation of how to develop lolly which is the subset of how to develop Mogan STEM Suite
    • Well designed unit tests served as re-usable code snippets
    • Code formatting and static checking
  • it is the frontier of multi-platform support, especially for wasm and windows
  • it is also the foundation of modularizing GNU TeXmacs

Getting Started

How to develop on Linux? English Chinese
How to develop on Windows? English Chinese
How to format the code? English Chinese
How to test? English Chinese

In-repo Project Management

In-repo Project Management is the core of libre software:

  • Software Foundation free
  • Bi-directional generation of structured code or structured text
  • Guarantee the freedom of the developers
